Home Colibri
Words of Welcome
In accordance with the Université Grenoble Alpes’ pledge to humanism and openness, members of the campus community help displaced persons* with their application process, studies and integration into the job market. Members also work towards the integration of displaced scientists.
* The term “displaced persons” is preferred over others. “Displaced persons” is inclusive of and not limited to individuals considered refugees, asylum-seekers, stateless persons, persons granted subsidiary protection or persons with a visa from a country in crisis.
- Grenoble Alpes University, a welcoming institution, a centre for human movements and a place of intellectual exchange, has developed a policy of welcoming displaced persons* since 2015. This political will has resulted in the creation of a refugee committee and a large number of actions to accompany and integrate refugees into the university community.
- From January to June 2024, Espace Colibri will continue its services two days a week. Consult the opening hours here.
- On Wednesday 17 January from 9am to 12pm, Espace Colibri is offering a group session to help you apply for Parcoursup.
Dates to remember
- Préparez vos candidatures en BTS et BUT !
- Formation « Jeunesse et exil »
- Journée d'étude "le dispositif sécuritaire-humanitaire européen, filtre des migrations dans les périphéries insulaires de l'Europe"
- Dernier jour pour compléter son dossier Parcoursup et ses voeux
- Fin des candidatures en master
- Dernier jour pour ajouter des voeux sur Parcoursup
- Candidatures au DU passerelle