Validate credits, validate a university certificate

Valider des crédits universitaires

You may want to enrol in courses but not pursue a full degree: to update your knowledge, because you do not have a lot of free time, etc. You can choose to enrol in and validate one or more “course units” ("unités d’enseignement").


Institutions in the Grenoble area have decided to exempt persons with refugee status, subsidiary protection status, or asylum seekers from all enrolment costs.
These persons are enrolled in an initial education program.


  1. Check out course unit ("unités d’enseignement" or UE) program offerings which are open to this kind of enrolment;
  2. Choose the UE(s) that are of interest to you: contact the instructor of the relevant UE in order to apply (send them an email in which you introduce yourself and explain your reasons for applying);
  3. If the instructor agrees: obtain an application from the faculty or department, fill it out, and submit it;
  4. The enrolment deadline is one month after the start of the course.

Additional Information

  • names of contact persons are listed on each UE page.
  • this enrolment does not provide student status.
Published on  August 17, 2021
Updated on January 26, 2022